After the threat of dengue, the capital experience the risk of another heart throbbing mosquito-transmitted disease named Chikungunya. It is a dangerous mosquito-borne viral disease originated from southern Tanzania in the year of 1952. The out broke of the disease now find in almost all the places. Chikungunya is a Kimakonde language word which means to become contorted. The victim of the disease suffers from acute joint pain.

Chikungunya and dengue are spreading over Paris due to wide range of viraemic travellers, viral replication in the mosquitoes along with the positive mosquito reproduction climatic conditions. That is the main reason of high probability of chikungunya transmission in mainland France.

Study shows that a person will start to experience the symptoms of the hazardous mosquito-transmitted disease within a time period of 3-7 days after being bitten by the mosquito. It is a type of fever frequently accompanied by joint pain. The other indication of chikungunya would include the following symptoms. Read this article to know about the Self healing techniques of the disease.

Chikungunya Symptoms:

  • Heavy headache accompanied by acute muscle pain other than pain in joints
  • Feeling of Nausea
  • Stress and Fatigue
  • Red skin rash
  • Pain in joints
  • debilitating and disabling pain, may last for sometimes weeks or months along.

Cause of Chikungunya:

Chikungunya is a type of fever spread by the mosquitoes. the same kind of  mosquitoes are responsible for the contagiousness diseases such as  Zika and dengue fever. if you have a feeling of having any of the above mentioned symptoms then consult of the medical practitioner at the earliest.

Diagnosis Process:

The diagnosis process of the contagiousness fever starts with  various necessary blood tests. Apart from that a few other necessary medical examinations are required to identify the occurrence of the fever. There are lots of methods for diagnosis. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and Serological tests are one of them. The examination process however confirms the presence of IgM and IgG anti-chikungunya antibodies. After identification, the first week sample should be tested through both serological and virological methods to see aggravation of the  disease in the human body.
